It has been more than 5 years since the approval of RD 244/2019 on self-consumption, which is currently in force. The sector has evolved since then and needs new measures and incentives to promote this clean way of consuming energy. The development of collective self-consumption and the entry of new agents such as storage and energy communities will allow an increase in installed capacity.
Meet the leaders of the sector: experts in self-consumption will share their knowledge, institutional representatives and decision-makers will address the most important regulatory issues, debates and presentations on the current situation of self-consumption.
Networking: the event will be the perfect space to make key connections, all professionals in the value chain: suppliers, investors and other players in the energy market will meet at the Summit.
What topics will be addressed in this fifth edition?
Hotel Riu Plaza de España (C/Gran Vía, 84, 28013, Madrid)
Members: 150€ + VAT
Non-members: 300€ + VAT
For every 3 people registered, a fourth will be registered for free
08:30h - 09:00h Registration of attendees
09:00h - 09:20h Opening ceremony
Rafael Benjumea, President, Spanish Photovoltaic Union (Unión Española Fotovoltaica)
Joan Groizard, Secretary of State for Energy, Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (PDT)
09:20h - 10:15h What obstacles are encountered in the commissioning of self-consumption installations? Improvements in the process of collective self-consumption processing
Objective: The processing of self-consumption is slightly different depending on the power of the installation or the type of self-consumption. In particular, the activation of collective self-consumption, which requires the signing of a sharing agreement between the participants, among other procedures, has yet to take off. The aim of this round table is to identify the difficulties that still exist today in these processes, discuss the systematics of the different distributors and the different processes to be followed depending on the power of the installation.
María González, Head of Area in the Retail Market Unit of the Sub-Directorate for Electrical Energy, National Commission for Markets and Competition.
Rafael Aranda, Deputy Director General of Infrastructures and Integration of the Energy System, Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (PDT)
*Question time
10:15h - 11:10h Quality and safety of self-consumption installations
Objective: the growing power installed in self-consumption requires special care in the design of photovoltaic plants, in the choice of their elements, as well as in the periodic maintenance of the installations, not forgetting the personnel who work in both assembly and revision. The aim of this round table is to highlight good practices in terms of the quality of installations and their safety.
Moderator: Lorenzo Tasso, Material Eléctrico
José Manuel Fernández, co-spokesperson, S2E Alianza
Héctor Rodríguez, PV Market Manager, SMA Italy (PDT)
Javier Fernández-Font, General Manager, Alusín Solar
Franc Comino, General Manager, Sonnen
*Question time
11:15h - 11:45h Coffee break
11:50h - 12:45h How can we reach the 19 GW of self-consumption set by the PNIEC? Should industrial self-consumption be promoted?
Objective: In order to achieve the 19 GW of self-consumption set by the PNIEC, we must install around 2.2 GB per year in the remaining 5 years until 2030. This figure is achievable, but the big question is how we are going to achieve it. Industrial self-consumption is one of the ways that we must promote, in addition to other measures that encourage this form of energy consumption. This round table will address all these issues, as well as success stories and problems associated with industrial self-consumption.
Moderator: José Pedrosa, PV Magazine
Manuel Argüelles, Director General of Energy and Mines, Generalitat Valenciana (PDT)
Roberto Giner, CEO, Octopus Energy
Pablo Gómez, Partner, Coagener
José María Ruiz, head of industrial distributed generation, Naturgy
*Question time
12:45h - 13:40h The importance of self-consumption in electrification, how to encourage CAEs?
Objective: despite the increase in installed renewable power in the generation mix, the level of electrification of final consumption is still deficient. It is necessary to develop mechanisms that can boost it. Thus, the CAEs system, which has worked very well for energy efficiency, could become one of these mechanisms, in order to promote the integration of various vectors, such as heat pumps with self-consumption and storage, to encourage electrification. The objective of this roundtable is to address how electrification can be promoted through the CAEs system and to discuss other possible mechanisms.
Moderator: Antonio Quillis, OKGREEN
Jacobo Llerena, Deputy Director General for Energy Efficiency and Access to Energy at the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (PDT)
Olvido González, Product Manager Smart Climate, Iberdrola (PDT)
Ginés García, President, A3E
*Question time
13:45h - 14:45h - Networking lunch
14:50h - 15:45h Does self-consumption have a future without storage behind the meter?
Objective: the electricity sector is constantly changing and more and more agents are participating in it. Storage is one of them, and therefore, storage associated with a self-consumption installation. This is why this round table aims to discuss whether the regulation on self-consumption should include storage in a more explicit way, taking advantage of the benefits of these two technologies together: maximising space and installed power, better management of consumption and decongestion of the grids during peak hours.
Rosalía Rivas, Head of the System Operation Models department, Red Eléctrica
Mariano Soria, General Manager, Turbo Energy Solar Innovation
Guillermo Donézar, Head of Distribution Southern Europe, Sungrow
*Question time
15:45h - 16:40h The current situation of the regulation of self-consumption, an obsolete regulation? Need for new regulatory proposals?
Objective: RD 244/2019 on self-consumption, the regulation in force today, has become obsolete five years after its publication. That is why last October 2024 the public consultation period was opened to update this Royal Decree. The sector expects the first draft of the document in 2025, which should include measures that favour collective self-consumption, increase the threshold for simplified processing and the exemption of permits, as well as considering storage as a key agent in self-consumption installations. This round table is aimed at commenting on the regulatory measures needed to incentivise the development of self-consumption, in line with the new situation of the sector.
Carlos Redondo, Deputy Director General for Electrical Energy, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge
Representative of Verdia Legal
*Question time
16:40h - 17:35h New models of self-consumption, financing, grants and subsidies
Objective: the end of the Next Generation subsidies and other subsidies dedicated to self-consumption obliges the sector to be creative and to formulate new ways of sharing energy. On the other hand, end consumers may find it less attractive to invest in a self--consumption system without tax-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equal-equalisation tax breaks to help reduce the upfront investment.
Manuel Larrasa, Secretary General for Energy, Andalusian Regional Government (PDT)
Ángel Giménez, Head of Energy & Sustainability, BBVA
Representative of IDAE
*Question and answer session
17:30h - 17:50h Closure
José Donoso, CEO, Spanish Photovoltaic Union
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